Home lab is up and running again…
… with my favourite tools.. vRealize Operations, vRealize Orchestrator and just installed the vRO plugin for vRops to link them. Expect some blog posts or talks coming! #vExpert
NetApp management pack and full stack demo
A while ago I recorded this video of how I show a demo of the Blue Medora management pack for VMware vRealize Operations. I think it can still benefit people to have a look at it. In the recording I show the 3 most important features of Blue Medora management packs: no agents to install,…
Blue Medora vROps CLI launched!
Our second-to-none engineers have launched a utility today that has been developed internally to help with VMware vRealize Operations management: the vROps CLI tool! It is now publicly available for free on Github for linux, Mac and Windows on our public repository. As you can guess this utility allows you to interact from the command…
Blue Medora PCF management pack updated
One of the management packs for VMware vRealize Operations that has evolved the most over the past two years is the Pivotal Cloud Foundry solution. From connecting through our own open -source nozzle to using the BOSH API, Blue Medora now enables you to monitor all aspects of your PCF deployment, including apps. Today we…
New version HPE management pack for vROps released
Blue Medora has concluded the project to update the vROps Management Pack for HPE Servers. Updates in this Release Include: • Added support for iLO 5 • Added least-privileged user (LPU) details for OA, VCM, and iLO users • Added Prerequisite Configurations for ESXi Hosts topic (required to collect external Host > Server relationship and…