Category: Astronomy

  • Total Solar Eclipse

    We watched the total solar eclipse of April 8 in Bandera, Texas. After carefully considering where we would drive our RVs for the best view, we chose a nice RV Park with complete cloud cover during totality… To make something of the experience I filmed our group during totality and sped up the movie x20……

  • Spotting the green comet – update –

    Comet C/2022 E3, named “ZTF”, is now hard to spot in the sky. It is almost overhead near Capella. Since we are now past full Moon, we should get some better opportunities in the early night. (all for my location 51.5 deg North). Sunday and Tuesday I had no luck with my 10×50 binoculars. The…

  • Eclipse day !

    Finally it is here ! The Great American Eclipse day… we found a spot just over the Kentucky border … weather still good. Few clouds. Praying … Stay tuned ! For those in BELGIUM we have Boudewijn van Spilbeeck with us and we will be on the 19h news !

  • Wonderful documentary on Stephen Hawking

    This is recommended for a rainy Sunday… The Irish comedian – and scientist – Dara O’Briain followed the world famous scientist Stephen Hawking in his daily life. We get some great glimpses of his work and family and also of his sense of humour, how his face literally lits up when he is laughing !…

  • Message from me and Santa

    As you might know I visited Santa in his home in 2013, and even helped out dressed as him in a run. We just wanted to get this message out to you today: Happy days of Christmas, Happy Solstice, Happy New Year 2014 ! We wish you health, love and wealth, And most of all…