Category: VMware

  • Don’t Miss Out: VMware Explore 2024 – Your Gateway to the Future of Cloud Operations

    Don’t Miss Out: VMware Explore 2024 – Your Gateway to the Future of Cloud Operations

    VMware Explore 2024 is a pivotal event for IT professionals focused on VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF). Highlights include major product updates, networking opportunities, and hands-on experiences. Key sessions will cover new VCF Operations features, AI troubleshooting, and optimizing datacenters. Engage directly with specialists and discover strategic insights at this transformative conference.

  • Aria Operations 8.18: New Features and Enhancements Revealed

    Broadcom organised a briefing for vExperts on the next iteration of VCF v5.2 announced today. Again this illustrates one of the many advantages of the vExpert program; product managers taking almost 3 hours to explain and show new features! A big thank you Corey Romero for organising this. In this post I will go over…

  • VMUG BE session on compliance & security tools

    VMUG BE session on compliance & security tools

    The Belgian VMUG User Conference is around the corner on June 6th in the Event Lounge in Brussels. Just like last year I will present on compliance and security checking tools in Aria Operations and Tanzu Guardrails. Needless to say a lot has happened to products in the Broadcom transition, so I will also expand…

  • It’s a hard(ending) World! VMTN Session

    I forgot to post that my VMTN session from VMware Explore Barcelona is online for your viewing pleasure! In this session I talk about compliance scanning in Aria Operations and Tanzu Guardrails. Checking your VMware and cloud environments for regulatory (ISO27001,…) and security compliance. I emphasise the MITRE Attack framework here. Big thanks to the…

  • Broadcom changes to Aria

    Unless you have been hiding in a cave, you saw a lot of news these past few weeks about changes at VMware – both in people and products – after the Broadcom acquisition. In this post I do not want to make comments or reflect on my past at VMware, I think it is more…