Category: VMware

  • Connect Aria Operations to the World.

    I think it is a sign of the maturity of Aria Operations that I get more and more requests to connect it to other platforms or get data out in some custom way. Aria Operations will continue to play a big role in the Aria suite, notably connecting to Aria Hub. People recognise its unique…

  • VMUG NL session

    VMUG NL session

    I am happy to announce I am presenting again at the Dutch Usercon. I am even more happy we are back in Den Bosch! My session will be a continuation from last year and bring you the latest in compliance and hardening of your environment. The agenda can be found here: and you can…

  • Advanced features in vRealize Operations dashboards.

    One of the strong points in vROps is the custom dashboards that you can build yourself to show any content just the way you want. In fact after custom groups and policies I think this is the third step of making your vROps environment really work for you. There are excellent guides and documentation to…

  • July updates for vRealize Operations Cloud.

    As you hopefully know, the SaaS versions of the vRealize Suite get regular updates, and of course the advantage of SaaS is it appears automagically in your browser overnight. No reinstalls, patches, just go! vROps Cloud got a few updates that caught my eye, one of them is actually something a customer is struggling with…

  • Why you need to attend VMware Explore…

    Hopefully the world is recovering from pandemics and wars, and while we are not yet in the “Roaring Twenties” that were promised, life-as-normal-as-could-be is slowly starting again. I have done some business travel to Hamburg with ComDivision and there are some great VMUG Usercons coming our way in June! Stay tuned for that! A big…