Category: VMware

  • Merry Christmas !

    Enjoy this time of celebration and reflection with the ones you love!

  • New True Visibility Suite options!

    In my vRealize Operations announcement post from VMworld, I stated that there were some shocking changes coming to the TVS Suite – née Blue Medora – so this post is overdue now that these updates have been confirmed by VMware! The latest updates to VMware vRealize True Visibility Suite are here. If you need a…

  • vRealize Operations 8.6 announced at VMworld !

    The annual VMworld conference is only live for two hours as I write this, but already my head is buzzing with announcements. The pace is furious this year! My favourite topic gets an update of course… First of all the vRealize apps are really getting even more ready for multicloud. vRealize Operations now has full…

  • Security sessions at VMworld 2021

    In this second post on VMworld session recommendations, I want to share some picks in security from the content catalog. It is going to be a busy week! See my blog on cloud management sessions I published before. Although I am an infrastructure guy and I have worked a long time in systems monitoring, I…

  • My personal picks for cloud management at VMworld 2021

    VMworld is upon us again, the greatest VMware tech show of the year. I have attended every EMEA version in Barcelona since 2012 and even one in San Francisco in 2013. This year it is online again, like last year, but that should not stop you from attending. When I went over the content catalog…